Monday, September 26, 2011

Satellite Falling to Earth?

nasa satellite falling
So what is NASA satellite falling really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about NASA satellite falling--info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.

Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about NASA satellite falling? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs?

Every satellite falls back toward earth. But when it's a giant, 12,500-pound version (about the size of an average elephant), expected to hit somewhere on earth between Thursday and Saturday, people take notice. While the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) rushes at 17,000 mph toward reentry, the NASA satellite could fling as many as 26 pieces of debris in a 500-mile path anywhere from your house to the middle of the open seas.
TIME spoke with Nick Johnson, NASA's chief scientist for orbital debris, about the upcoming reentry of UARS, the frequency of similar events, any possible danger to people on the ground—there remains a 1-in-3,200 chance of any debris striking a person—and how he predicts reentry locations (not really all that possible, just to tip you off).

If you've picked some pointers about NASA satellite falling that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use it.

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